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Index to Riyazu-s-Salatin: A History of Bengal

Author: Salim, Ghulam Husain

Keywords: Bengal, History, Persian, Translation, Index

Publisher: Asiatic Society, Calcutta

Description: This book provides a History of Bengal, published in the year 1903. The text provided in the book is divided into four chapters. The information given in the book has been translated into English from its orginal Persian version with notes by Maulavi Abdus Salaam.

Source: Central Secretariat Library

Type: Rare Book

Received From: Central Secretariat Library

DC Field Value Salim, Ghulam Husain 2017-06-08T11:09:27Z
2018-06-07T05:59:27Z 2017-06-08T11:09:27Z
dc.description This book provides a History of Bengal, published in the year 1903. The text provided in the book is divided into four chapters. The information given in the book has been translated into English from its orginal Persian version with notes by Maulavi Abdus Salaam.
dc.source Central Secretariat Library
dc.format.extent xxiii, 437p.
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher Asiatic Society, Calcutta
dc.subject Bengal, History, Persian, Translation, Index
dc.type Rare Book 1904
dc.identifier.accessionnumber AS-004557
dc.format.medium text
DC Field Value Salim, Ghulam Husain 2017-06-08T11:09:27Z
2018-06-07T05:59:27Z 2017-06-08T11:09:27Z
dc.description This book provides a History of Bengal, published in the year 1903. The text provided in the book is divided into four chapters. The information given in the book has been translated into English from its orginal Persian version with notes by Maulavi Abdus Salaam.
dc.source Central Secretariat Library
dc.format.extent xxiii, 437p.
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher Asiatic Society, Calcutta
dc.subject Bengal, History, Persian, Translation, Index
dc.type Rare Book 1904
dc.identifier.accessionnumber AS-004557
dc.format.medium text