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Catalogue of Sanskrit MSS existing in Oudh

Author: Browning, Colin

Editor: Mitra, Rajendralala

Keywords: Catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts

Publisher: The Ganes' A press, Calcutta

Description: This catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts consists of an extensive classification. It includes Veda Sastra containing hymns, ceremonials, theology, sutras, rituals and phonetics; Aitihasika Sastra containing history and ancient legends; Kavya Sastra containing poems, drama, tales and romance; lexicography; grammar; versification; rhetoric; astronomy and astrology; music; art; erotics; philosophy; bhakti sastra, tantra sastra, vaidyaka and Bauddha Sastra.

Source: Central Secretariat Library

Type: Rare Book

Received From: Central Secretariat Library

DC Field Value Browning, Colin
dc.contributor.editor Mitra, Rajendralala 2019-02-21T16:13:36Z 2019-02-21T16:13:36Z
dc.description This catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts consists of an extensive classification. It includes Veda Sastra containing hymns, ceremonials, theology, sutras, rituals and phonetics; Aitihasika Sastra containing history and ancient legends; Kavya Sastra containing poems, drama, tales and romance; lexicography; grammar; versification; rhetoric; astronomy and astrology; music; art; erotics; philosophy; bhakti sastra, tantra sastra, vaidyaka and Bauddha Sastra.
dc.source Central Secretariat Library
dc.format.extent 23p.
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso Sanskrit
dc.publisher The Ganes' A press, Calcutta
dc.subject Catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts
dc.type Rare Book 1872
dc.identifier.accessionnumber AS-000004
dc.format.medium text
DC Field Value Browning, Colin
dc.contributor.editor Mitra, Rajendralala 2019-02-21T16:13:36Z 2019-02-21T16:13:36Z
dc.description This catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts consists of an extensive classification. It includes Veda Sastra containing hymns, ceremonials, theology, sutras, rituals and phonetics; Aitihasika Sastra containing history and ancient legends; Kavya Sastra containing poems, drama, tales and romance; lexicography; grammar; versification; rhetoric; astronomy and astrology; music; art; erotics; philosophy; bhakti sastra, tantra sastra, vaidyaka and Bauddha Sastra.
dc.source Central Secretariat Library
dc.format.extent 23p.
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso Sanskrit
dc.publisher The Ganes' A press, Calcutta
dc.subject Catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts
dc.type Rare Book 1872
dc.identifier.accessionnumber AS-000004
dc.format.medium text