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"Madhumalti" (manuscript)

Keywords: Miniature Painting
Rajasthani Painting

Publisher: Allahabad Museum, Allahabad

Description: A Rajasthani style of painting, created on paper using watercolors. This is an illustrated page of "Madhumalti" manuscript. The painting shows a king with mustaches in long purple attire covering his entire body and wearing an elongated green turban standing in the center. He is flanked by a lion on his left and a bird on his right. In this painting, men in jama and mukut on head.

Type: Miniature Painting

Received From: Allahabad Museum

DC Field Value
dc.coverage.spatial Rajasthan, India
dc.coverage.temporal C.18th Century CE 2020-09-06T17:23:54Z 2020-09-06T17:23:54Z
dc.description A Rajasthani style of painting, created on paper using watercolors. This is an illustrated page of "Madhumalti" manuscript. The painting shows a king with mustaches in long purple attire covering his entire body and wearing an elongated green turban standing in the center. He is flanked by a lion on his left and a bird on his right. In this painting, men in jama and mukut on head.
dc.format.extent 20.32 x 11.43 cm
dc.format.mimetype image/jpg
dc.publisher Allahabad Museum, Allahabad
dc.subject Miniature Painting
Rajasthani Painting
dc.type Miniature Painting
dc.identifier.accessionnumber AM-MIN-361-i
dc.format.medium image
dc.format.material paper

DC Field Value
dc.coverage.spatial Rajasthan, India
dc.coverage.temporal C.18th Century CE 2020-09-06T17:23:54Z 2020-09-06T17:23:54Z
dc.description A Rajasthani style of painting, created on paper using watercolors. This is an illustrated page of "Madhumalti" manuscript. The painting shows a king with mustaches in long purple attire covering his entire body and wearing an elongated green turban standing in the center. He is flanked by a lion on his left and a bird on his right. In this painting, men in jama and mukut on head.
dc.format.extent 20.32 x 11.43 cm
dc.format.mimetype image/jpg
dc.publisher Allahabad Museum, Allahabad
dc.subject Miniature Painting
Rajasthani Painting
dc.type Miniature Painting
dc.identifier.accessionnumber AM-MIN-361-i
dc.format.medium image
dc.format.material paper