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A Couple is Playing Holi

Keywords: Painting
Mewar Painting

Publisher: National Museum, New Delhi

Description: This painting belongs to the Mewar school of painting in which it depicts a couple is playing Holi. They are attended by a male and female attendants. Another lady from the balcony of the palace is looking towards them.

Type: Painting

Received From: National Museum, New Delhi

DC Field Value
dc.coverage.spatial Ahad, Mewar
dc.coverage.temporal Early 17th Century C.E. 2020-10-22T20:36:05Z 2020-10-22T20:36:05Z
dc.description This painting belongs to the Mewar school of painting in which it depicts a couple is playing Holi. They are attended by a male and female attendants. Another lady from the balcony of the palace is looking towards them.
dc.format.extent 12.5 x 27.5 cm
dc.format.mimetype image/jpg
dc.publisher National Museum, New Delhi
dc.subject Painting
Mewar Painting
dc.type Painting
dc.identifier.accessionnumber 51.52/56
dc.format.medium image
dc.format.material Paper

DC Field Value
dc.coverage.spatial Ahad, Mewar
dc.coverage.temporal Early 17th Century C.E. 2020-10-22T20:36:05Z 2020-10-22T20:36:05Z
dc.description This painting belongs to the Mewar school of painting in which it depicts a couple is playing Holi. They are attended by a male and female attendants. Another lady from the balcony of the palace is looking towards them.
dc.format.extent 12.5 x 27.5 cm
dc.format.mimetype image/jpg
dc.publisher National Museum, New Delhi
dc.subject Painting
Mewar Painting
dc.type Painting
dc.identifier.accessionnumber 51.52/56
dc.format.medium image
dc.format.material Paper