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Publisher: Mohd Alam/Dr.Shreekant Jadhav

Description: There are(n=4)flakes tool; there are large flakes with sides trimmed, Marks of secondary flaking are present on the both the faces.

Source: Deccan College, Post-Graduate & Research Institute, Pune

Type: Toos

Received From: National Mission on Monuments and Antiquities

DC Field Value
dc.coverage.spatial Kuntasi(KTS),Tehsil Maliya, District Rajkot, Gujarat
dc.coverage.temporal Harappan 2018-11-26T05:08:43Z 2018-11-26T05:08:43Z
dc.description There are(n=4)flakes tool; there are large flakes with sides trimmed, Marks of secondary flaking are present on the both the faces.
dc.source Deccan College, Post-Graduate & Research Institute, Pune
dc.format.extent Max 11.2mm x 9.3mm
Min 6.8mm x 5.2mm
dc.format.mimetype image/jpeg
dc.publisher Mohd Alam/Dr.Shreekant Jadhav
dc.type Toos
dc.format.medium image 2018-01-16
cdwa.location Excavation
dc.format.material Chert

DC Field Value
dc.coverage.spatial Kuntasi(KTS),Tehsil Maliya, District Rajkot, Gujarat
dc.coverage.temporal Harappan 2018-11-26T05:08:43Z 2018-11-26T05:08:43Z
dc.description There are(n=4)flakes tool; there are large flakes with sides trimmed, Marks of secondary flaking are present on the both the faces.
dc.source Deccan College, Post-Graduate & Research Institute, Pune
dc.format.extent Max 11.2mm x 9.3mm
Min 6.8mm x 5.2mm
dc.format.mimetype image/jpeg
dc.publisher Mohd Alam/Dr.Shreekant Jadhav
dc.type Toos
dc.format.medium image 2018-01-16
cdwa.location Excavation
dc.format.material Chert