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Arrow Head

Publisher: SAGAR (N.G.O.), Delhi

Description: Stratum: Layer 19
This is an arrow head made of iron alloy, broken on one side. It is in stemmed shape. Hard patina with heavy dust and dirt is deposited on it. Appearance is of brown colour.

Source: Dept. of Archaeology, Govt. of Punjab, Chandigarh

Type: Toys
House Hold

Received From: National Mission on Monuments and Antiquities

DC Field Value
dc.coverage.spatial Ghuram ( East Punjab ) 2018-08-14T05:57:12Z 2018-08-14T05:57:12Z
dc.description Stratum: Layer 19
This is an arrow head made of iron alloy, broken on one side. It is in stemmed shape. Hard patina with heavy dust and dirt is deposited on it. Appearance is of brown colour.
dc.source Dept. of Archaeology, Govt. of Punjab, Chandigarh
dc.format.extent 5 cm
dc.format.mimetype image/jpeg
dc.publisher SAGAR (N.G.O.), Delhi
dc.type Toys
House Hold
dc.format.medium image 2011-03-28
cdwa.location Archaeological Excavation
dc.format.material Iron alloy

DC Field Value
dc.coverage.spatial Ghuram ( East Punjab ) 2018-08-14T05:57:12Z 2018-08-14T05:57:12Z
dc.description Stratum: Layer 19
This is an arrow head made of iron alloy, broken on one side. It is in stemmed shape. Hard patina with heavy dust and dirt is deposited on it. Appearance is of brown colour.
dc.source Dept. of Archaeology, Govt. of Punjab, Chandigarh
dc.format.extent 5 cm
dc.format.mimetype image/jpeg
dc.publisher SAGAR (N.G.O.), Delhi
dc.type Toys
House Hold
dc.format.medium image 2011-03-28
cdwa.location Archaeological Excavation
dc.format.material Iron alloy