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Bench used by Mahatma Gandhi

Keywords: Dandi March, Mahatma Gandhi, Wooden Bench

Publisher: Gandhi Darshan, Rajghat, New Delhi

Description: The bench used by Mahatma Gandhi during the Dandi March while addressing the huge masses at Baijalpur Village, Gujarat

Historical Significance :- The Dandi March, also called 'the Salt March' was led by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi as a part of his Non- violent Civil Disobedience Movement. It sought to oppose the British monopoly over the production of salt in India.

Source: Gandhi Darshan, Rajghat, New Delhi

Type: Household Items

Received From: Gandhi Darshan, Rajghat, New Delhi

DC Field Value
dc.coverage.spatial Baijalpur Village, Gujarat
dc.coverage.temporal Modern
dc.description The bench used by Mahatma Gandhi during the Dandi March while addressing the huge masses at Baijalpur Village, Gujarat

Historical Significance :- The Dandi March, also called 'the Salt March' was led by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi as a part of his Non- violent Civil Disobedience Movement. It sought to oppose the British monopoly over the production of salt in India.
dc.source Gandhi Darshan, Rajghat, New Delhi
dc.format.mimetype image/jpg
dc.publisher Gandhi Darshan, Rajghat, New Delhi
dc.subject Dandi March, Mahatma Gandhi, Wooden Bench
dc.type Household Items
dc.format.medium image
dc.format.material Wood

DC Field Value
dc.coverage.spatial Baijalpur Village, Gujarat
dc.coverage.temporal Modern
dc.description The bench used by Mahatma Gandhi during the Dandi March while addressing the huge masses at Baijalpur Village, Gujarat

Historical Significance :- The Dandi March, also called 'the Salt March' was led by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi as a part of his Non- violent Civil Disobedience Movement. It sought to oppose the British monopoly over the production of salt in India.
dc.source Gandhi Darshan, Rajghat, New Delhi
dc.format.mimetype image/jpg
dc.publisher Gandhi Darshan, Rajghat, New Delhi
dc.subject Dandi March, Mahatma Gandhi, Wooden Bench
dc.type Household Items
dc.format.medium image
dc.format.material Wood